melstorm: January 2008
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Sharing my thoughts as a teacher, husband, new daddy and a son...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pics of my new place

Ok guys, i promised pics of my new place so here it is..
Dun expect to see the same place as big as the one shown on Golden Path cuz that was like for 3 families...
But well..I like my new place..most of the ideas came from my very creative wif of course. :)

This is how it looks like from the front...

This is my little garden at the side...

I like to sit outside the patio at night when I am preparing lessons or when a friend comes over just to chill. Its nice and breezy there.
Here is the living room...

Here's how my new kitchen looks compared to the old kitchen. Not bad eh? wife did alot of homework on it. Best thing is, we did not get a designer and so we didn't spend much.

The pic below was how the master looked....B4 my wife weaved her magic....")

Presenting....The Masterbedroom! Our little Marcus is still sleeping with us as u can clearly see.

This is the room on the third floor. Nobody really uses this room except me. I have 'transformed' it into a theatre room. I come up to watch soccer or dvds when I can. (althou frankly..I seldom have te time to)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Batch of P6 Kids

Hi everyone,

I have finally finally gotten internet access from my own home!

Ok, my sincerest apologies for not updating earlier.

Every single year, I will handle a new batch of p6 kids and it is a very enriching experience. New faces, new contributions from students and of course new headaches as well. What really makes me happy, makes what I do so fulfilling and also makes me know that I am heading in the right direction is to see siblings of my ex students in my class. I guess this really endorses the fact that I have been doing something right. It spurs me on to work even harder.

My top student last year got a score of 280. Its my highest every score actually but I really think its gonna be hard to match up this year. 280 is a really high score after all. At the end of the day, scores are one thing. I just want students to do well and improve. Some students may be failing their exams and if I help them to pass or even score 60 or 70 plus, that is an achievement. Average students who score high marks after attending my classes are also those that do me proud. Students who are top in their respective schools and maintain their positions can already be considered an improvement as the competition to be the best is always high.

For all my classes generally, the thing that really really makes my day is this..

For primary school students, I am over the moon....

When parents come to me and tell me that their kids have suddenly taken a keen interest in science after attending my classes. They start to go to libraries to borrow books on science, read up about the solar systems and all the diverese animals in the animal kingdom wihch they have never done before. Even when parents assign them some work in the assessment books, they do it willingly. I guess this is the best feeling because not only do I give them fishes, I have eventually helped them to master the art of fishing.

For Secondary School students, I am really happy when...

A sec 1 kid tells me that he/she has never ben good in Primary sch mathematics and is now never satisfied unless he/she gets A1 for any math exam. I totally understand and love that feelin cuz I was like that too!


A sec2 kid comes along and tells me he/she has never passed or done well in sec 1 math before and is now aiming for distinction in vitually every test and exam and achieving it most of the time.

I am still trying to get more of these feedback and its always tough handling the whole company, teaching and juggling a family at the same time...well...the good thing about all this is...


Will post pics of my newly renovated kitchen and master bedroom soon k? Watch out for that!

See u guys on....ermm....whenever I see u ok? :)

God bless all of u!