Ok guys, i promised pics of my new place so here it is..
Dun expect to see the same place as big as the one shown on Golden Path cuz that was like for 3 families...
But well..I like my new place..most of the ideas came from my very creative wif of course. :)
This is how it looks like from the front...

This is my little garden at the side...
I like to sit outside the patio at night when I am preparing lessons or when a friend comes over just to chill. Its nice and breezy there.
Here is the living room...

Here's how my new kitchen looks compared to the old kitchen. Not bad eh? Haha..well...my wife did alot of homework on it. Best thing is, we did not get a designer and so we didn't spend much.
The pic below was how the master looked....B4 my wife weaved her magic....")

Presenting....The Masterbedroom! Our little Marcus is still sleeping with us as u can clearly see.
This is the room on the third floor. Nobody really uses this room except me. I have 'transformed' it into a theatre room. I come up to watch soccer or dvds when I can. (althou frankly..I seldom have te time to)
where is the pic of your old house (the one that the golgen path was shot)?
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