Its the end of CNY and today, we all went to 'No Signboard' restaurant @ East Coast to have family dinner and lou hei as well. It was really cool! The retaurant was facing the sea and the breeze was tremendous. The food was so so but the ambience was fantastic!
U know, when i was a kid, i swallowed a bone. And from then on, I had a phobia of eating fish! can u beat that??? There really are alot of benefits from eating fish really...high in omega (dunno which number) for brain development, alot of protein, much better than red meat definitely...
I only feel safe when i eat 'angmoh' fish like cod fish and salmon. Only when eating these fish can u safely say there is a very low chance of u eating a mouthful of fish with no bone at all.
Since I absolutely hate fish bones, I have always told my mum and wife who look afer Marcus, to exercise extreme extreme caution whenever they give him fish. They have been doing a relatively great job really...until today...accidents happen...
It had to happen to Marcus today, he turned to me immediately after eating a mouthful of fish and shouted'BONE!' I told him to spit it out immediately and he did. I thought all was fine but when he swallowed his second mouthful of rice (and fish of course!). He shouted 'BONE! BONE!' again, only this time, his mouthful was bigger and it was louder.
I gave him the same instructions again and cupped my hand in front of his mouth to encourage him to spit in all out. He did, but not all the food came out..he then repeated his 'Bone' shouts. He then keep choking and coughing! Believe me...I was stunned, my thoughts at that moment was just to remove whatever bone there was out of his mouth and my greatest fear which really gripped me then was, 'what if he had swallowed the bone???'. I had to act....
I just stuck my index finger into his mouth to search for that bone...i could not find any and the worst thing was that he was choking non stop...i had to make him spit out everything so I took a risk and dug deeper...no one else could react then except me...everyone was just in a blur...being his daddy...I had to react...
He vomitted out his food. There was a lump of fish there...I din care of it was gross, I keep pressing the food to see of the bone was there...it wasn't...but he was much better then. That somewhat eased my fears for a split second. I keep asking him if the bone was still there..he said 'no'...i hoped and prayed he was right...
I took him to wash up and thankfully, I could see he was feeling normal again. After washing his hands and taking him out..I was really relieved to see he was playing, laughing and running about as ususal.
It all happened so fast and on hindsight, I guess i did the right thing...but believe me, as his daddy...although it was my instinct and also duty to react. I really wished I had not been placed in that situation...if I had done something wrong...Lets not go there....
Guys, I sure your parents went through this kinda situtations when u were young. Occasions. when u were sick, bullied, sprained ur am....somehow, ur daddies and mummies will do everything in their power to make u feel better...sometimes, it doesn't work, sometimes it does. Appreciate ur parents...They sacrifice alot alot for u guys....
Thank u God for helping me throughout that 30seconds of hell....couldn't have done it without ur help....AMEN!!!
Some more pics...enjoy...RIVER HONGBAO!!! ")
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