melstorm: August 2009
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Sharing my thoughts as a teacher, husband, new daddy and a son...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Somewhere Only We Know

YO PP!!!!

Sorry again for being 'blog dead'....Its gonna be the same old excuse anyway so why not lets just not even bother about why I havent exactly been active....Just in case u dunno wat the excuse is...I've been....busy...

I borrowed this dvd called 'He's Just Not That Into You' the other day and I really liked the show. The good thing about the show was that it was not just about one couple...It was about a few different couples...One 'despo' girl trying to find Love and finally found it in a fren...One girl who broke off with her boyfriend of 8 yrs cuz he din believe in marriage but she kinda got back with him cuz she realised that his loving her was all that mattered (they finally tied the knot of typical Hollywood)....One married couple who eventually broke up (ah...not ur typical Hollywood ending)...And one more case was about a guy who was always made used of by this gal he likes, she calls him only when she has no company and ignores him when she finds someone else interesting.

The most interesting part of the show was when every couple kinda got into problems...The song 'Somewhere Only We Know' by Keane was played during those scenes. I totally LOVED that song man. I went to look for it immediately after and I keep it on repeat mode at home and in the car! My wife thinks I'm mad...haha...Its the ringtone I hear when my wife calls anyway.

Lets talk about the song...

Somewhere Only We Know by KEANE

You know why I like the song? We have many many memories. Some good, some bad, some bring a smile to our faces (nope...not the ones of JIM), some neutral ones as well...Most of these memories come back to me when I see photos, listen to certain songs or go to certain places. The reason why I really like this song is cuz its not flooded with 'I love u & u love me' rubbish...its about............

Its about a guy telling this girl that he's kinda tired of waiting and he wants to be with her...stop playing games and let him know if she even considers him a potential partner...they should go to a special place to talk about it...somewhere only they know...I like the idea of this song cuz its nice when you bring a person to this special place, you kinda pour your heart out to each about life....past about each other...shut the world out and just talk to each other...about each other...

This somewhere could be the a park...a quiet corner of a shopping mall...a cosy nice restaurant...It doesn't have to be posh or long as the company is could even be at a void deck of a HDB flat! Its the company and the conversation that counts and it should be unique...only to you and your very special someone...

Its not easy to do this now that I'm married....Life is all about your kids and when I come are going to sleep if not already asleep and my wife is completely burnt out...Everything we talk about is pretty much about kids...our folks...our friends...No more about ourselves...When you're married...all these somehow dun matter anymore...You dun feel the need to do it...the excitment and the fire is just not there or maybe just flickering....I feel its really impt to keep the fire alive....keep the fire bright...But trust me...its really not easy...

We did to go to this really nice place and spent some time together recently...nice view...nice breeze...we kinda caught up with each other quite abit (sounds ironic huh? since we are husband and wife)...had the world shut out (not completely thou cuz we kept having to monitor the time)....and talked again about the good old days... our current lives together...what we dreamt about...our plans for the kids ( are never really out of the picture)...I dunno how long this special place will last thou...For as long as it'll be special...somewhere we can catch up....

Where is this place????

Somewhere Only We Know....

Here is the link to watch a clip of the song plus it and you will know why I think its great...Enjoy....

Lemme know if it doesn't work k? This is not the original version though..the original is better!

Oh yes...can someone teach me how to change my blog song? No prizes for guessing which song I'm gonna use...Hahaha....write on my cbox can? Xie Xie!! ")

God Bless You All and May God Bless Singapore on her 44th Birhtday!!

And Remember....

When you sleep safe at night next week...


See ya soon! ")