Hi pp,
I'm terribly sorry for my absence from my blog. ")
I was telling you guys in class about my Transformers Midnight Sale adventure rite? Yes yes...I know I'm a Geek..but hey come on..if I dun remain a little childlike...how to connect with you guys???
But frankly....liking toys is not a bad thing at all...its not a vice...admittedly..it's kinda ex...but hey...as long as you dun smoke or take drugs or go drinking all the time...its fine! I prob spend less on toys than a smoker does on cigarettes and you know what?? He's messing his lungs and the lungs of his loved ones up too!! So....Geeks seem alot better now rite??? Haha...
ok man...rememver the pic I told u guys about whereby my friends and I took pics with masks while queueing to pay??? Here it is!!! HAHA....Guess which is me??? Leave a post and I'll tell u if u're rite!

I bought a Nerf gun set as well. Its real cool! Check out this pic which was taken before me and Marcus started firing away!! ")

I can simply train to do more 'pull-ups' without the gym...Just carrying the two of them is enough... ")