Yo people! I am updating so dun say i lied to u guys k?
I have been really really tired man. Its been work, work, work and MORE WORK! I just had such a severe bout of diarrhoea and after that, I am now down with cough and a super sore throat! (With all that shouting an constantly having to tell SOTRIES!!) With all the extra lessons I'll be conducting these few weeks, I really dun think I will recover anytime soon. But u know what??? At least i enjoy my job..I really do!! Can't imgaine doing anything else....Melvin Ng the Engineer???? NAH!!!!
It was really cool that Marcus' Birthday was on a Friday and that was my last day off before all my extra lessons started. We brought him to sit the Duck Tours which he din really enjoy actually and then we had lunch with my folks to have a mini birthday celebration for Marcus.
We brought him to Vivocity to let him choose a toy and he choose some policemen toy in the end. Haha, it helped that it was not that ex...about 30 bucks only..haha...My bro got him a super advanced remote controlled army tank that costs like close to 300 bucks!! Gosh, I din even have presents 1 tenth the price of that when I was a kid! Kids nowadays are so lucky!
Here are some of the pics.... :) My dearest Melanie is looking so sweet! She's my PRINCESS!!!! ")
Getting ready to enjoy ourselves BIG TIME!! :)
We bought 2 different cakes for Marcus..The one he brought to school to share with his friends was with a Batman design while the cake we cut during the family celebration was Transformers Animated Optimus Prime!! ")
The Cuppacino I bought from Macafe was really sweet..."Smile"...I think that is something all of us gotta do more often! ")
Enjoy the pics and while u are viewing them....
See u guys soon!!! ")