Since I have not been spending the last few weekends with Marcus, I brought him to East Coast to play yesterday morning. Due to the traffic, he was almost asleep when we reached but the moment he saw the beach, he sprang to life again! He LOVES the beach! It will be much better when we shift back to Katong i'm sure cuz the beach will be like 5 mins away. Weather was pretty hot but he still thoroughly enjoyed himself! He played with the sand, looked at the waves come crashing in....I really enjoy the bonding time we spend together.
But come to think about it. Every parent spends this kinda bonding time with their kids when they were born...As a new parent, u are all fired up about your new found love that u just wanna spend every possible and available second with your kid...U think that will eventually equate to u being really close to your kid in future...u have the most amazing dream for your child, about what he or she can become and how wonderful they will be when they grow up...
Well...I have seen enough to know that we might just really be disappointed. All this bonding time u spend with them now may not mean they will be close to u in future, it may not mean they will be the most capable person in future and most importantly, does it mean that they will really respect u as a dad or mom...hopefully a great one...will theyheed your advice when they are teens and their frends influence them the wrong way...and will they be fillial to u when they grow old???
I teach so many students...I dare say I have helped many of them. Parents come to me and tell me to advise their child becuz they listen to me. I feel very hounoured yet very belittled at the same time whenever I hear all these. These parents do everything they can for their kids...work long hours to bring $$ back, fetch them to and from tuition, buy them nice MP3 players and ipods and...the list goes on...What am i in comparism in their kids eyes??? I do my best and advise them. As their teacher, i hope for the best for them but I really wonder...will Marcus listen to me when he grows older as well??? I do hope so...
I dun really know what I can hope for Marcus...I wouldn't say that we are very close cuz he only looks for the pp that never scold him and respond positively to his every request. (Being the 1st great grandchild and grandchild of both side makes him a real gem). It a challenge when all my seniors wanna do is to spoil him and all we as parents wanna do is to make sure he is not spoilt. I probably hope, like all other parents, that he grows up to treat others and himself with respect...
aiyo, pls mr ng, put some tagboard...
Mr. Ng, you can go to this website: www.blogskins.com
and search for a blogskin which you like. Click preview first to see how it would look like.
Then go back and click on "Blogger Main" if you like the skin and copy the whole html code.
Then, go to your "dashboard"( the place which you put your posts) and click on "template" it will move you to the "edit html" page.
Clear everything and paste the new code. Don't rush and "save template change" yet! "preview" it first as the skin may affect your posts. Then everything ok, save it. Then start to edit the things by yourself, example: intro.
You can even go to "www.cbox.ws" to sign up for a tagboard and copy the html code, customize it yourself there. You can also go to "www.imeem.com" to sign up to get musics etc and get the codes. Position all the codes in your style and preview it before saving.(my blog also got affected by saving before previewing alot of times when I first started blogging.)
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hello mrng. zhijun here. i was the one who deleted the previous comment because its too short. i just said that your blog is pathetic. and your son is so cute! ^^
Mr Ng, come and visit my blog at www.andy-yeo.blogspot.com and browse around if u like.
Mr Ng, relax...ur child is so cute and happy when u play with him, i think u will be close to him.Wish u gd luck.
Umm...I tink u should add some songs inside...and I oso found a few grammar and vocab errors...
hello mr ng ! kimberly here ... haha, your son so cute ! dun worry larh , u so nice to your kid , he will appreciate it (: i better go study for science already ... =X yeah, go create tagboard! www.cbox.ws !
yozz...Mr Ng go change ur blogskin lah!show-on-stage.blogsot.com link me when u change ur blogskin.Btw,ur son v cute!!!
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updateeeeeeeeee.? x.x
mr ng.
Miffy from peicai here
i cant wait for you to put ur
son dancing's video or photo on ur blog. you told us that we will laugh until we get stomach ache.
hi mr ng cheng york here your baby looks a bit blur blur on evey photo..... go www.cbow.ws if u want a tag board -.- have fun
zzz eggyork...
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