My dear cousin Adelene (who shares the same bday as me) got married Nov last year and I just got the pics of Marcus...She's been too busy with her new house and work that she gave me the pics late..but still...its really nice. The guy that took pics of her actual day wedding was the same guy who did mine..He is THE BEST man...He's really good @ what he does...Bernard from Beetles @ Work...Cool guy...Heard he just got married also...Congrats to him....
Wonder how its like to be a wedding photographer...You prob have to work on weekends and public holidays all the time! Like me! Haha...I also wonder who took pics for Bernard when he got married...And when he sees the pics...will he be like: 'I could have done a better job' or hmm....'Why din he/she take pics in another way?'
Well...I'll never know rite???
Happy Vesak Day to all!! ")

This is my favourite Photo man!! Look! Both Adelene and Marcus can like advertise for Macdonalds man!! How much will they pay me for this pic huh??
Slogan should be:
Macs for all occasions! ")
Wonder why I din go into advertising...
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